World AIDS Day is an important thingy. So let me try to do my thing, my way to add awareness & openness about the taboo topic of sex.
Even if I had sex twice a day for the rest of the year, I still would not have as much sex this year as compared to any one of the last six years of my life. Serious shit. There maybe many reasons for this, but of all, its most likely more about me getting older.
Contrary to popular belief, age hasn’t slowed me down. My mojo is still strong & overflowing. The thing about getting older, is it makes me wiser. I got to know myself & my needs better. Sex is no longer number one on my life agenda. There are plenty of other things that I can enjoy that don’t involve the anatomy of another person.
And as I believe we all could benefit from more sexual awareness, let me share with you a personal insight about the doing the (supposedly) dirty. X’s signify the false statements.
1. I’ve never injured somebody during sex. (x) It’s not (just) that I’m clumsy but passion does cause friction.
2. I’ve never had sex with more than 3 other people at the same time. ( ) Three is my maximum, it’s all circumstantial.
3. I’ve never had sex with different people at different times within the same day. (x) When you get about, you get about!
4. I’ve never had sex in a public place. (x) The first was on the dance floor of Movement, a trance disco in KL which long burned down. And there was this one guy who seem wanted in on the action, like I had another fuck to give!
5. I’ve never been caught for having sex in a public place. (x) Had to pay the cops, which quickly put an end to the thrill of sex in public places.
6. I’ve never had sex for money, alcohol, drugs, or gifts ( )
7. I’ve never had sex with someone I hated. (x)
8. I’ve never had sex so the person would like me more. ( )
9. I’ve never had sex just because I was bored. (x) Not the best excuse but it really is good for killing time.
10. I’ve never had sex whiles intoxicated. (x)
11. I’ve never had sex in front of people watching. (x) Refer to no. 4
12. I’ve never had sex in a moving vehicle. (x) Cars & cable cars!
13. I’ve never given a love bite. (x) My specialty ;)
14. I’ve never received a love bite. (x)
15. I’ve never laughed after sex. (x) Emotions can run wild.
16. I’ve never cried after sex. (x) Erm, emotions can run deep.
17. I’ve never talked about non sexual things during sex. (x) I think you can only do this if you’re truly comfortable with someone.
18. I’ve never had unprotected sex. (x) With people I trusted, but trust can be misplaced, hence no. 19…
19. I’ve never had a HIV test. (x) Fortunately negative, but it was the longest wait in my entire life. I’ll be damned if I am not more careful in the future. The Spice Girls are right! Put it on! Put it on!
20. I’ve never had a sexually transmitted disease. ( ) Thank GOD!
21. I’ve never had sex with a woman. (x) I am experimental!
22. I’ve never made up an excuse just not to have sex with someone. (x)
23. I’ve never had sex with someone only to deny it ever happened. ( ) Trust me, with some of the men I’ve slept with, there’s been so much hell to pay after, maybe I should rethink this one.
24. I’ve never been sexually satisfied without cumming. (x) The process can be satisfying without climaxing. It can be kissing, massages, hours of foreplay etc, provided the partner(s) know what their doing.
25. I’ve never paid for sex. ( )
26. I’ve never faced sexually rejection. (x) Who hasn’t been rejected or rejected someone? It’s all part and parcel of life…
That’s it, one truth for every year of my life. For now, it seems like the person I have sex with has to be more special than before. It’s more than just lying there in bed, you know. He has to be somewhat worth the effort. It’s always best to exercise some self control, less something like a horrible disease control you. I’m not preaching, just telling it the way I see it. Its my life at risk.
Take this MeMe back to your blog if you dare, but like having sex, try to be honest about it (do tell me if you do). It isn’t for the weak hearted.
I'd chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the God'damn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the God'damn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of oh…
Panic! At The Disco~ I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
Labels: meme, sexploits