Friday, July 22, 2005

Look at me!

My last few posts have all touched on people that have truly influence my life and contributed to the jaded has been princess I am. So let me run thru some facts about Jane.

  • I'm not a crossdresser! Jane isnt my real name (duh) its the name of my car. Im a 25 year old guy

  • I do not look like your average Malaysian but who does? I can look chinese, malay, thai, arabic & one japanese lady thought I was japanese in Japan. Its all your perception.

  • I indulge in cigs, alcohol (eventho I have allergic reactions) and other stuff even.

  • I'm experimental & like trying out new things.

  • I have a passion for sushi but only the cooked ones.

  • I wear glasses~ 175/175

  • I believe in God but I don't believe in mindless worship.

  • I always considered myself an "unique beauty" and I'm very attracted by unique beauty as well. But intelligence & communication do matter.

  • I feel strongly about the environment and thus avoid unnecessary packaging/waste whenever I can.

  • I love my friends ferociously and protect them.

  • I believe there is always an alternative to any situation. In truth we are free to choose, even when it seems like we are obligated.

  • I like comfortable clothes (torn & worn out stuff). But enjoy dressing up when the moment is right.

  • I'm a semi closet case~ I only out myself to people who I think can handle it. No good would come out of announcing my sexual preference to the world.

  • I'm currently dating a half punjabi half cindi indian boy one year younger than me.

  • My hair looks best when it is slightly messy & allowed to flop freely.

  • I can be an amazing bitch to people who annoy me but extremely attentive to those who do me right.

  • My eyes & eyebrows are my sexiest attributes.

  • My favourite genre of music is alternative rock but I listen to alot of other stuff too. Music is important in my life.

  • I can be amazingly horny. (like now)

Sometimes I shave my legs and sometimes I don't

Sometimes I comb my hair and sometimes I won't

Depend on how the wed blows I might even paint my toes

It really just depends on whatever feels good in my soul

I'm not the average girl from your video

and I ain't built like a supermodel

But, I Learned to love myself unconditionally

Because I am a queen

I'm not the average girl from your video

My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes

No matter what I'm wearing I will always be Janie...

India Arie ~ Video


Blogger Dildos said...

OMG.... info overload......

Hmmm.... punjabi u say...... hmmm... what a luckeeee gurl..

5:19 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Hmm... we're quite similar in many ways then. Except that I hate my hair when it's messy and flopping freely.

7:04 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

wjee: you should cover your eyes the next time you read then! lol

jay: You won't believe how alike we are! I was a boy scout (lots of blog material there) and also I got a nephew who is the only kid I can tollerate.

9:01 AM  
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7:35 AM  

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