Monday, January 09, 2006

Malaysia's Biggest Slut

On Saturday afternoon i was at another "Mag Meet". It was the contributor's meeting, for the men's health magazine I've been writing for. Damn, it was nothing like the caption party. But I *accidentally slutted* with the editor, again. Seriously its a disease. Someone just needs to name it. I can so imagine, years from now, at the clubs, the boys will claiming AJ Syndrome when accused of boyfriend stealing. But back to the meet, where I was busily discussing my fellow writers with Mr. Goat.

"Oh isn't Kz like so hot? Too bad he is straight" AJ eyes the straight guy with biceps too delicious to be straight.

"Yeah I used to come to these meeting just to oogle at him"

"Psst... Mr Goat, Isn't that guy one of the guys that slept with Rm"

"Yeah I think so. Oh AJ now you have something in common with someone here! You, him & half of Malaysia's & Singapore's gay population."

*Roll Eyes*

"You are acting so gay!"

"So? I rather be comfy in my element. Besides, this is just a writers meet, not the grand inquisition!"

So we slept with the same guy, big deal. The thing about Rm is when I first slept with him, it was a good fuck. We never had seconds but ended up as friends instead. But thats a totally good thing really because he is a super-mega-ultra-uber slut. I am not exeggerating. Not to pass judgement but he really prides himself with sleeping with most of malaysia's boys. Sooner or later every other chinese twink I meet turns out to have slept with Rm.

During the recent new year's party I asked him "So tell me, how many boys have you done? 200? 300?"

"You mean this year issit?"

My eyes had the sudden urge to imitate a bowling ball... But some part of me thinks he wasn't joking. He used to tell me of daily if not bi-daily sexcapades that would make even Holden blush (No offence ya).

But thats not the best part. He also has a steady boyfriend who knows he fucks about. And they seriously are in love (cue bitter line about how love is an illusion). There is still more.. he also has his fuck buddies. Talk about stocking up for winter eh?

Most people hate him. Then there are those who envy him. I sort of admire his er... unwaining drive? His taste in men, well, the polite thing to say, if he ever reads this post would be, "some people like lots and lots of okay-tasting cookies, others like one big tasty cookie with big nuts".

Some times (when ever we talk) I have to ask myself "Why the fuck did we fuck?" Then I recall how all his practice paid off. Seriously, despite all the curses against him, I've never heard anyone bitch about his technique. So the immoral moral of the story is practice makes per-fuck!


Blogger Arroclint said...

i think the hetros get a lot less action... dam!!

4:04 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

oh no clint, you don't wanna cross that line! But if you ever do, you know where to find me.... lol

5:08 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

practice makes per-fuck!

Heh, that is so funny!

I guess whatever works for him - in his case, it's a VERY open relationship.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, it's the second week of the year and he said "this year?" in response to "200?, 300?"

God, how does he manage that? And he is in a relationship? It's beyond my imagination....

11:24 PM  
Blogger savante said...

Why isn't cm fucking with me? He needs to achieve a target and I'm willing to help him. Me, the good Samaritan.

AJ, I need to attend these meets to drool over men too! Bring me!


3:13 PM  

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