Saturday, October 15, 2005

Un-Post Secret

I promised myself I wouldn't stress out today. Sure it's a crappy working Saturday but Duff is back! And I wanna boogie on the dancefloor! So let me try to release some anger so I can survive the day. Don't read on if family drama disturbs you.

My father is coming to visit today. Something about how his children never visit much. Its true. I cant deny I usually feed him empty promises to keep him away. He claims he misses his family. I find that most amusing considering how he rebuilt our home & got himself a new whore who is even younger than his youngest son. I believe she is in her teens. But what should I care?

My mother took it well at first. But now she stays with my brother. She can't stand being in the same house as them. None of us can. Fortunately we have each other to depend on. If this was a Post Secret Postcard, it would read:


But this is A&A, not Post Secret. I'll get over it, like the other horrors in my life. Tonite I boggie with the bo

...And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man ’n the moon.
’when you comin’ home? ’son,
I don’t know when. we’ll get together then.
You know we’ll have a good time then.’

I’ve long since retired, my son’s moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
’I’d like to see you, if you don’t mind.’
He said, ’I’d love to, dad, if I could find the time.
You see my new job’s a hassle and the hubby has the flu,
But it’s sure nice talkin’ to you, dad.
It’s been sure nice talkin’ to you.’
And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me,
He’d grown up really unlike me.
My boy was really freaky...

Ugly Kid Joe ~ Cat In The Cradle (Post Secret Remix)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where ya headin tonight?

11:32 AM  
Blogger canardbidon said...

yeahhhh don't let the blues get you! nothing that a good night out can't fix :)

12:58 PM  
Blogger savante said...

Have a great time with Duff :) I'm gonna rest after my vacation and sleep the weekend away.

BTW, love the lil remix you did to the Cats in the Cradle song.


4:09 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

Well unless you start having children you'll never be completely like your dad! Hope you're having a good weekend.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Dildos said...

yeah dun stress yourself out la...

tonite all the blues out the door....ok

c ya later jane.

Hmmm, guess a few of us blogging queens will hv to do double duty to keep duff out of trouble. hehe

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I can understand how it's bugging you. I would be concerned or worried too if I were you.

I hope you will enjoy the weekend and have a fantabulous weekend!

11:20 PM  
Blogger Kenji said...

I dunno about you.. but seriously, my father and I... well whatever, but in my own honest opinion, if you choose not to be like your father, I believe you won't be!


All the best though! :)

3:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah baybee, chin up and partay all night.

12:07 PM  
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11:23 AM  

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