Monday, October 16, 2006

The Road Trip To My Best Friend’s Wedding

Straight people have straight sex with other straight people & when the straight sex is good enough, they get married. Mind boggling I know! But it apparently comes naturally to them.

The wedding was down south in Johor Bahru, so with 3 other straight boys, we did a… ROAD TRIP!!

I know I generally don’t blog about my straight friends but this since I spent 14 hours with them this weekend, I think I’d better introduce them.

MoMo~ The Groom. He’s been one of my closest friends since high school. We’ve done some unnerving ‘male bonding’ together.

Mr. Egg ~ Somewhat round pompous car freak & pervert

Turtle King~ Mr. Egg’s equally horny cousin

Moon Face~ A little less horny and much more down to earth

Oh, by the way, ‘MoMo’ is freaking hot, would you expect anything less? In fact I’d be his bride any day. I’d cook, clean, suck & bend over for him. During high school, I had a sort of a crush on him.

When we parted, I groped his ass. And in case you’re wondering, married ass is good too.

Oh and as we left, he kissed me on the cheek. WTF? Sure he was drunk & stoned but that’s no excuse! The greedy bitch already has a wife. The worst part is it made me miss the good old days. We used to do so much together to the point I’d actually lie on his arm as we chat. When drunk, we’d even French kissed, well, that and head butted like goats. Then again, when drunk we did a lot of crazy things…


And now the fuckers married! It’s really a good thing I’ve given up on straight boys. No straight boy fetishes here! Na-uh. Not even a bit. *Flips hair in denial*

The whole wedding-road trip was really an eye opener so I’m thinking of breaking the story into several short posts… It will be goat, I promise.

Traveling down my own road
Watching the signs as I go
Traveling down my own road
And I'm watching the signs as they go

Hand fits groping so do it
That's what the Goat said to me
Life fits living so let your judgments go
That's how our future should be

Madonna~ Sky Fits Heaven


Blogger Arroclint said...

dude.. i think its every gay mans fetish to turn a straight guy! congrats for your friend though...

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just think of all the straight girls out there who want to undo you gayness... sure its difficult. and if they fail you can both hang out together ... a cute straight girl and a cher impersonator...

6:28 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

clint, you're so fucking cool I'd wouldn't ever hit on you. And that says a lot.

anon~ OMG is that who i think it is commenting on my blog? how will I ever bitch about you behind your back again? And I'm seriously gone beyond the point of no return. But as promised, you'd be the first if I ever change my mind... *Slaps the cher impersonator*

11:30 PM  

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