Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anti Epiphany (No, Seriously)

Some times stupid lines, where ever they may be found make so much sense that you want to slap your forehead and scream “DUH!”

People who take care of their bodies are more confident DUH!

Even damaged people deserved to be loved DUH!

You only get cake at celebrations because is so fucking fattening DUH!

People who don’t bathe often smell bad DUH!

Anything good never comes very easy DUH!

Careless people lose things DUH!

It only takes one event to change a person’s perception DUH!

Lazy people don’t like work DUH!

Yeah… just thought I'd share these unwise words…



Blogger savante said...

Well there are people out there who don't listen so sometimes it bears repeating :P

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh AJ.. you are so wise. are you as pretty as you are wise?

something i'll ponder as i head over to mekkers..

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes he IS as pretty as he is wise. THAT statement however, is open to interpretation :P teeheehee.

11:15 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

if only..

if only..

12:54 AM  

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