Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Price of friendship

How do you put a price on friendship?

Yesterday, it was the birthday of a friend of mine... A pretty dear friend who I see time to time but each time i see him, its almost always entertaining and lively. Sure, sometimes there are the down sides... But more often than not, he & his molty crew can make me laugh, uncontrolably...

He will be heading off to study in Paris soon and so he sort of got birthday presents that also doubled as going away presents:-

Abu: Can I open my prezzies now?
Less Rice: Open mine first! You will love it!

*Abu frantically attempts to rip it open whiles preserving the wrapping paper, not an easy feat to discribe...

Less Rice: Aiiiya... Whats wrong with you.. Let me do it!

*Less Rice proceeds to rip open the present that he just bought Abu...
The wrapping comes off to reveal a palates set in a lil purple box

Abu: Oh...

Less Rice: But look it has a purple DVD, a purple book and a *purple mat*. This way when you are in Paris atleast you know you will have a place to sleep... And you will be the envy of all the street people...

*Abu proceeds to my gift which we just went to buy....

Abu: Look what Jane got *me*

*Abu flashes the BVLGARI AQUA I just bought him.... moment of silence from a table people that are normally never short of comments...
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I did blow a fair amount of money... more than I have recently on myself....

Is it:-
My guilt of sleeping with his ex (& growing fonder each day of) that i know he is still in love with?
The forebearing sense of lost I will have when he goes?
My good heartedness compansating him with materialistic gains?

With these thoughts in my head I said:-
"I have never even spent so much on a gift for any of my boyfriends"

Abu replies "Friends last much longer than any boyfriends....."

I can't help but agree...
With that I feel my destiny is sealed.... I realize the horrible truth that most of us will never truly find companionship from a lover....

*whimper* frozen straberry margaritas anyone?

No...I'll finish the jug then....


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